You know that you can draw cheques on bank,whenever you need money, provided you have enough current deposit therein.If the bank goes bankrupt,it will be a disaster.The educational system is the bank,on which the nation draws a cheque whenever it wants strong reliable skilled workers .If it goes bankrupt ,as it has very nearly gone today ,it is a national disaster.The current focus on churning out engineers ,doctors and MBAs by the kilos must stop.The so called top education institutes have made education a short term business proposition .Students do not go to an institution to study and build themselves into people who want to serve -rather the focus is on getting the best paying jobs.If the system is overhauled and lubricated ,the next generation will be assured of good leaders and what is equally essential,along with good followers.
Note: The above words are taken form NHRD Network Journal " Gen Y and HR",Oct 2011 Volume 4 issue 4